Waves Turkish Lira (WAVES/TRY)

Our currency converter show that the most popular Turkey TRY. The currency code for Turkish lira is TRY and the symbol of Turkish lira is ₺. Below you will find the currency conversion rates, Pivot points, Technical Indicators and Moving Averages. And also you will find all the current and previous currency details like (5min, 15min, 30min, 1Hr, 5Hr, 1Day, 1week, 1Month) is chart time frame.

Spread: 40.6 WAVES/TRY Time: 08:49:25


Bid/Ask: 82.297 / 82.703 High/Low: 86.466 / 76.00 Chg/Chg%: -1.327 / -1.59%


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