Single Ticker Widget

A Single Tape Widget is an impeccable widget for sharing your price list with all world’s traders from your website or blog. It's easy customization supports all major currencies markets throughout the world. You can see all updates in real-time just around the clock. The chart shows the ranks of your currency against your competitor’s currency trades every day. The color swatches display various currencies with fallen and high-value rates from the starting point to the current period of time chosen by you, and few of them indicate the minimal price movement as well. View all market currency rates within the current status and hours of the international currency market.

In a period of time especially when the currency market’s trading hours just overlap to increase, because a lot of traders used to participate at the same time in the Forex market. The timely chart graph always shows the historical value level of all trading activity in the Forex exchange market for all the currency pairs. The opening and closing time of trade is just because of the nature of the counter forex market and this Single Tape Widget makes everything easy for you by using it on your own website.




You can show 2 of below columns in the widget.
