Euro to Georgian Lari (EUR/GEL)

Our currency converter show that the most popular Belgium EUR to Georgia GEL exchange rate. The currency code for Euro is EUR, and the currency code for Georgian lari is GEL or the symbol of Euro is € and Georgian lari symbol is ლ, GEL. Below you will find both of the currency conversion rates, Pivot points, Technical Indicators and Moving Averages. And also you will find all the current and previous currency details like (5min, 15min, 30min, 1Hr, 5Hr, 1Day, 1week, 1Month) is chart time frame.

Spread: 543.3
Time: 21:00:06


Bid/Ask: 2.91693 / 2.97126 High/Low: 2.94718 / 2.93291 Chg/Chg%: +0.00158 / +0.05%


Mapping mutational health results around the coxsackievirus B3 proteome finds distinct profiles of mutation tolerability By Site Author - 1 week ago

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KCTD proteins keep an eye on morphine dependence by way of heterologous sensitization of adenylyl cyclase A million in mice By Site Author - 1 week ago

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Twin-targeting elegance I HDAC inhibitor and ATM activator, SP-1-303, preferentially inhibits estrogen receptor constructive breast most cancers mobile improvement By Site Author - 1 week ago

Twin-targeting chromatin law and DNA harm restore signaling provides a promising road for most cancers remedy. Making use of rational drug design, we synthesized a potent dual-targeting small molecule, SP-1-303. Right here, we document SP-1-303 as a elegance I isoform s…...

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Comparing the have an effect on of oral hygiene instruction and electronic oral fitness schooling inside of cardiac rehabilitation clinics: A protocol for a unique, twin centre, parallel randomised managed trial By Site Author - 2 weeks ago

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Efficient degradation of more than a few bacterial toxins the usage of ozone ultrafine bubble water By Site Author - 2 weeks ago

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Geographical permutations, incidence, and molecular dynamics of fastidious phloem-limited pathogens infecting sugar beet throughout Central Europe By Site Author - 3 weeks ago

In Europe, two fastidious phloem-limited pathogens, ’Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ (16SrXII-A) and ’Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus’, are related to rubbery taproot illness (RTD) and syndrome basses richesses (SBR) of sugar beet, respectively.…...

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