New Zealand Dollar to Australian Dollar (NZD/AUD)

Our currency converter show that the most popular New Zealand NZD to Australia AUD exchange rate. The currency code for New Zealand Dollar is NZD, and the currency code for Australian Dollar is AUD or the symbol of New Zealand Dollar is $ and Australian Dollar symbol is $, A$, AUD. Below you will find both of the currency conversion rates, Pivot points, Technical Indicators and Moving Averages. And also you will find all the current and previous currency details like (5min, 15min, 30min, 1Hr, 5Hr, 1Day, 1week, 1Month) is chart time frame.

Spread: 5.70
Time: 13:02:59


Bid/Ask: 0.90488 / 0.90545 High/Low: 0.90670 / 0.90365 Chg/Chg%: -0.00336 / -0.37%


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